Friday, January 19, 2007

Payne Family Night

I think it's high time that we develop a Payne Family Night that happens on a certain day each month. Anyone have any ideas? Also, yeah for mom and dad going to Japan. Exciting!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Well everyone, I went to my second appointment with the doctor today. She said everything is very normal. I hope everyone is getting excited for a new niece or nephew. By the way, I have a pair of pants that are way too small and I'm pretty sure I'll never fit into them ever again. Marissa or Katie, if you want them, let me know.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Leanne ,I saw someone on campus the other day that looked exactly like you except she was like fifty pounds heavier than you. It was really strange I thought it was you and I was like how did Leanne gain so much wieght so fast. I swear she could have been your twin.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Everyone is here!

Now we just need other people besides me riss and kates to say something. Come on people. Love
Well, this is pretty sweet. I have nothing to say but still. Those pictures are pretty cool Leanne. I wish I could've seen it. Well, I better stop procrastinating my homework. Love you all. Bye!

Come on, Payne's, come on

What is the dealio with everyone else? Get on the soul train, people. Post, Post, Post!These pics are from when we went to Hoover dam over Thanksgiving, it was really cool.

This was want it looked like looking straiht down. These was a memorial there that was remember all the men who gave their lives building the dam that were incased in it. Meaning, while they were pouring cement and stuff some men got stuck in it.

This is one of the huge tunnels they diverted the river into to build the dam. It looked like looking into the entrance of you know what. This picture doesn't do the size of it justice.

People need to get on and post some disney pics. Thanks guys. Love yall

Saturday, January 6, 2007

I am totally digging this payne family blog thing.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Sup Family!

Hello Ya'll. Welcome to Payne Family, LLC. Don't ask about that name, I just think it's funny. I thought it would be fun to have somewhere we can all post pics and thoughts or whatever. Won't this just be great fun. I envision me using it incessantly, Reed and Megan never using it, Marissa using once, Katie using it alot just to make me feel better, Cami and Hans making a great effort but in the end thinking it's too much work and they have "better" things to be doing, and Mom and Dad calling me to figure out how to use it. Anyway, whoever and however you use it . . . just do it will be fun. Love ya'll. Hope to see a blog from someone other than me soon. . . or I'll just keep blogging with myself which is fine too.